Experience the Joy of Farm Life at Our Latest Hobby Farm!
In 2022, we moved from Ontario and traded in a semi-detached house in the city for 10 acres here in the land of the living skies. We arrived with a guinea pig and inherited two cats with the land. Quickly, we started filling the rest of the area with animals. We found some old horses that needed homes and a bunch of chickens. Then we started hatching our own. Then we got some quail eggs and hatched them as well. Next, we hatched some ducklings and goslings and then got some goats.
Nearly 2 years later, we have over 100 animals
It’s been an experience we never got to have while living in the city. Yes, it comes with a whole new set of challenges, but the farm is also an abundant source of joy, and we want to be able to share that with you.
If you’ve never visited a farm before, come see ours
If you have visited a farm before and loved it, then we know you’ll have an awesome experience.
Family & friends visit
Come book a visit with your family and friends. We’ll show you around the farm, answer any questions and you can just hang out for a couple of hours.
Book a class trip
Have a school, daycare, coffee break, homeschooling group, or something else and want to bring the kids? They will have a blast, we guarantee it.